Saturday, February 14, 2009


One key and important lesson we must learn from our SYF drill video experience is that once we start from scratch,we must keep on 'scratching'.

This SYF'09 will not be a walk in the park. We have to practice very hard and on top of that practice smart. I believe that everyone has the potential to outshine their present capabalities and will not disappoint the teachers and Mr.Samuel by being lazy.

This GOLD that we yield to have is within our grasp,we will create legend by being the batch of students in all BPS BAND history to clinch the 1st GOLD medal! :E !

Below are the details for the concert on 22Feb, Sunday :

Friends In Concert 2009

A joint project by the following schools:
-Admiralty Sec Sch - Die Fledermaus by ヨハン・シュトラウス2世
-Assumption English Sec Sch
-Clementi Town Sec Sch
-Geylang Methodist Sec Sch
-Orchid Park Sec Sch - Symphony #2 by Frank Ticheli

Date: 22nd Feb 2009 (Sunday)
Time: 3pm - 5pm
Venue: The Republic Cultural Centre, Republic Polytechnic
Price: $10

(i felt so motivated to post idk why)


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